We are near to one quarter into 2023, and we should learn this new programming language to upgrade our skills. Most IT industries expect more new programming skills persons. we are all know the starting programming languages like C++, python, and java. but this year added more than 100 new languages currently in use. 

You think we could not learn all the programming languages, but we must learn some of the hype programming languages, which are very useful for the current generation. In the modern world programming languages are developed day by day, but we need to adopt it our self.

Here are the top 5 new programming languages in 2023!

  1. Pony
  2. Dart
  3. Purescript
  4. F#
  5. Crystal

  1. pony

    pony is not a data race, it's an actor modal ,reference capability support, garbage collector, and type-safe. The programmers must be identified the reference capability as immutable, changeable, or isolated. When the two actor access mutable data at the same time, they may make conflict modifications or they may get corrupted data,
    so the compiler prevents the programmer to exchange the data between the actor. Concurrency improves performance. also, the memory issues might resolve using a garbage collector.

    Ponys had some limitations, such as an Unstable API, an Absence of native tools, and A dearth of high-quality third-party tools.

  2. Dart

    Dart is developed by google, it's like a C language and it added type safety and javascript syntax. It's simple to convert to other languages, such as javascript, java for android, native machine code, and standalone data virtual machine. Its function backend processor. the user-driven interface is the strength of darts, changes made by the developer, and it's immediately displayed in hot role command.

    Lack of compile time errors and robust in build driver

  3. Purescript

    Purescript is a functional programming language, and that can be compiled into javascript. the pure script is most like Haskell, it is used to create an online application and serverside software. Haskell's future has other usages such as algebraic datatypes, pattern matching, and type classes.

  4. F#

    It is an open source and platform independent, F# is the combination of general purpose and functional programming languages, It's an easy-to-learn language, many developers say the same thing, its like python is easy when compared with c# and java. Based on java and C# maintains the symbol, semicolon, and brackets, but not these languages, it's easy to write and manage.

  5. Crystal

    It's an object-oriented programming language and it depends on the ruby syntax, This language is an excellent choice for ruby developers, they can adapt easily to this crystal language. This programming language prevents static native language mistakes in an earlier stage, the team won't worry about wasting time, and null time reference .

    Developers multi-task and do more simultaneously without exhausting system memory.